Sunday, August 27, 2006 ;
it has been a looooooooooooooong time since i logged into blogger.
i mean two-five blog.
if u consider me not blogging here for 10 days long.
bet all of u miss me lar.
-hears puking in the background.
i shall proceed on lar.
i think we got back almost all of our test papers.
if my stm aint that bad i shld be right
notice that the almost is in bold.
wad results we got must still buck up hor.
mug ppl mug!
oh yar.
there is chinese oral for some ppl.
so jiayou.
rmb to practice.
or u will flunk it like me!
dun live in regrets.
ok wad crap lar
but u ppl should be grateful that i m keeping this blog alive and kicking!
although i know it cannot kick lar
fri had the little mini party for adeline.
happy belated bday girl (:
although i m one day late..
thanks for the pizzas too (:
i think thats all for now lar.
Saturday, August 26, 2006 ;
Hello, :)
Thursday, August 24, 2006 ;
yoz ppl ,
i m here to post again !! :)
2dae ms ong not in school ...
got a free period ...
think we all r enjoying it ...
hahax ...
we r not really doing wad we r told 2 do ...
maths test 2dae ...
the paper damn difficult ...
think no one finish d whole paper
( pls correct me if i'm wrong) ...
2dae we get our class photo ...
yay !!! :D
ttw went off 15 minutes earlier cos he have oral ...
then dunno who started it
but everybody started to ask 4 everyone's autograph ...
hahax :p
tmr having a class party ...
cos adeline's birthday this Sat ...
Happy Advanced Birthday, Adeline !!
some of us will also be having oral tmr ...
so jiayous hor, ppl ...
all d best ^.^
Thursday, August 17, 2006 ;
here to drop by (:
happy birthday lanqi and tripti!!!
stay happy (:
the last test of the term history
and i bet a huge burden has gone off ur shoulders.
relax all u want right now and throughout the weekend.
u ll deserve it! (:
it has been a tiring three weeks.
with test after test.
and when we had to burn midnight oil just to complete studying.
the srp report was due today.
and i m pretty sure that everyone rushed to report out through the night.
lets pray and hope that all of us can get good grades.
and we can show others that we can do it!
as well as making msthoo shut up.oops =x
congrats everyone for winning the sunflower competition.
everyone played a huge role in making our sunflower so lovely (:
but special credits go to anngie and gang for taking such good care of the sunflower (:
one more day to the weekend.
let our hair down and relax peeps
Monday, August 14, 2006 ;
yoz ppl
todae we got back our Chinese and science paper ...
not tt gd ...
can't get ms ong's reward ...
but nvm !
cos ... ... ...
i got a good new for all of you !!!
*drum rolling*
jux to keep u in suspense ... :)
*more drum rolls*
the gd new is ...
we won d first prize 4 the sunflower inter-class competition !!!!!
*clap clap*
aren't it great?
Let's give ourselves another round of applause!
* clap, clap, clap ... ... *
think i'll jux stop here
cos need 2 chiong the report
aniwaes all d best everyone !!!
byes, ppl
here to post.
m i like nice.
i know i m.
ok lar.
seems like the blog is getting much more active.
no longer dead anymore lar.
napfa retest!!!
i hope i hope i hope that everyone will pass all their stations fro napfa.
do us proud (x
i m very proud of u all alr.
so smile.
chinese test (suo1duan3chang2wen3)today was okayy right.
got back the paper.
some failed like me
some passed
the highest was 23 1/2 or sth like that.
top scorer-lihui.
-round of applause (:
the dnt ppl had dnt test today.
the test was alright lar.
except it was quite fun.
i didnt mean the test but the process of doing the test.
rmb ppl to the english oracy thinggy by wed.
consists 10% of CA2 marks.
must jiayou cos it is english and lower down our msg this term!!!
we said gdbye to our treat from msong alr.
but nvm.
we dun nd the treat to do well right?
that is just a motivation.
but jiayou jiayou jiayou everyone.
and srp report.
must do properly hor.
60% of CA marks lar.
actual srp report to be handed up from fri onwards.
so must jiayou and chiong!!!!!
jus a reminder to do ur pairwork.
art menu that one.
the common tests are almost over.
except for that history mcq and eassay questions.
if i m not wrong
and after that we can enjoy our lives until next term.
thats all from me
wna add that I HAVE THE 30th POST. my reg number (:
Saturday, August 12, 2006 ;
i'm here to blog!!
cos i have nth to do...
saw ms ong on fri during guides...
ask her abt da science test...
she say she only mark MCQ and da result wasn't as good as she expected!!
say good bye to da pizza....
haha... big deal
jus do better for da final year ba!!
and its 3 more weeks to da end of term 3...
cos nxt week is weeek 8...
8... 9... 10...
ya la shld be 3 weeks...
shall stop here cos nth to tok le...
2/5 rawk on!!
germaine ^^
u see!!
aint ii right..!!
ii t0ldd u .. after thatt dae we
sure will findd thatt ttw isnt thatt badd..
u seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WAS RIGHT..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*struts off*
*scrambles back again*
right ..
serious business people..
ii have a veri CRUCIAL news t0 tel u right n0w..
im veri enthu because..
ii have a SURPRISE ferr u all..
u are all my darlinks..
*sees s0me pe0ple lo0king edd mi skeptically*
right.. here is dhe crucial thing annd dhe surprise all edd 0ne..
after a l0o0o0o0o0o0o0ong while of editting
[click t0 view it big]ii spend one hour plus plus editting it on photoshop..
LOVE ME people..
*silence (hears dhe crickets chirping)*
*l0st f0r w0rds*
*burst int0 tears*
dhe picture quality ain`t that good budd..
`jamie__ +
yoz ppl...
dun u think tt tw is not tt bad after all
he did helped in the litter picking @ the beach
didn't he?
ms thoo was lyk jux walking around
tw even wore red !!!
though he kept saying tt he's not going to wear it
another 2 tests done... yay
but there is some more coming... sad lar
Mon another chinese test...
Thur another history test...
Our Chinese Oral will start next wk also...
maybe the oracy also...
omg...sum ppl lyk me 'll have 3 oral to take...
all e best, ppl!
jux believe in urself
tell urself tt u can do it
then u surely can
let's tell ourself tt we can make ms ong treat us pizza
then we will
once again...
all e best and jiayous, ppl!
cya on Mon...
Thursday, August 10, 2006 ;
first thing first.
jamie! gooooood job la can!
remember send me those beach photos
then i can put it into the looooooooop.
*chants the twofive chant*
got such a chant?
hahaha! i shall make one right now!
it goes something like
"twofiveeee. twofiveeee."
okays. whatever. =X
the beach cleaning was fun aye?
i cant wait to seee all the photos. whooohoooo.
how was everyone's national day?
my one was goood. fine. normal.
*catches a few people staring*
im so damn random. whoooohooo.
two more tests tomorrow people!
jiayou! *chants the jiayou chant*
*clears throat*
welcome mslee!
hahaha. nice of you to tag here.
dun stumble too much!
you may just fall!
but rest assured!
this class got quite a lot of certified first aiders.
im referring to the guides tooo. =X
shant crap here anymore.
awwwww. pardon me. =X
jiayou jiayou jiayou twofive!
gogogo! *grins and grins*
cya tmr!
its going to be a beautiful dayyyyyyyyyy.
-okays. this is random. lala-
-minshan says adios! =p
Tuesday, August 08, 2006 ;
hiie pe0ple ..
iim testiin out dhe new bl0gskin ..
n0t reali fully d0ne yet ..
m0re ph0t0s n0t upl0aded ..
budd can sae excluding dhe ph0t0s ,
98% d0ne lerrhs ..
give urr c0mments 0kaes ..
annd ii shall p0st onn t0dae`s adventure t0m0rr0w ..
dead beat d0ing up diis bl0gskin ..
APPRECIATE ok pe0ple ..
enj0y :))
dunn f0rget tew c0mment ..
Monday, August 07, 2006 ;
hi peeps. eng maths sci are over.
thank goodness.
tomorrow seems lykk a h0lidae tew mi, mysteri0usli so..
perhaps tew mi anydae thatt we gett tew spend t0gether as a class IS a h0lidae..
s0rt of .. =D
BUDD , here`s da catch, ii dunn think anyonne is g0nna enj0y a `h0lidae` wif TW [eu-n0e-hu]
budd eu n0e wadds an0ther thing ii think ab0ut TW n t0m0rr0w ?
s0meh0w , i think thatt t0m0rr0w we might find thatt he`s n0t so bad after all ..
h0pefully s0 .. haha .. dunn wanna be stuck wif s0meone we dunn lykk ferr dhe rest of dis year eh ?
ah huhh .. annd in c0ntrast tew lan qi`s p0st justt n0w, miss thoo d0es NOT all0w white shirts .
well , onlii ferr chun yan arhhx budd dhe rest of us cann0t ..
aahh .. eu think ii dunn wann mehs .. ii`d rather wear white h0r ..
budd she even reminded mi earli in dhe m0rning t0dae justt wenn ii was
in fr0nt of herr during assembly thatt cann0t wear white sh0
means she insist thatt we all wear red l0rs ..
might as well save dhe tr0uble of getting sc0ldedd ..
aniwaes , s0me news ferr dhe tw0-5ive bl0gg ..
iim currentli w0rkin onn dhe new skin ferr our bl0gg thatt minshan has d0ne
cuz abit too plain lerrs annd dhe boxes are off centeredd ..
annd iim trying ter add m0re col0urs so its nicer n less plain ..
yay minshan wan sui ..!!
` jamie__- #
okay ppl..
had 3 tests 2dae...
lit sci n eng..
at least its DONE!!!
2mr is e celebration
remember to wear red or white shirt!
n jeans...
track shoes r allowed..
n e accesories..
some examples:
hair band
i cnnt tink of animore le..
sth liddat aniwae..
lets hope msthoo willl be our merlion mascot..
den we will be going to e beach...
mayb we can enjoy there ltr on..
tts al..
Sunday, August 06, 2006 ;
the blog is not dead yet!
cos i m here to blog.
i think everyone is busy mugging for the test tml right?
everyone jiayou hor (:
i m nice.
tests for the week:
heard that science is quite tough.
everyone jiayou so that we can make msong treat us pizza!!!
make her broke!
-evil laughs.
national day this week!!
gonna play like crazy.
we can style oursleves up.
as long there is red/white.
going becah cleaning after that.
really want to play at east coast later.
but cannot.
oh wells ):
this a really random post.
jiayou hor everyone (:
sherilyn =)